Ukambani legislators who lost in polls urge community to support Jubilee

Kitui senator David Musila at a past briefing. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: A section of Ukambani legislators who lost in the just concluded elections want the community to switch allegiance to Jubilee from the opposition.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings on Monday led by outgoing Kitui senator David Musila, they said that they are weighing options to ascertain whether the community will wholesomely back the Jubilee government .

Musila indicated that after staying in the opposition for the last five years, there is need for the community to switch to the government so as to benefit in terms of development .

“We plan to hold consultative meetings with leadership of every ward ,and other series of activities in order to move the community from opposition to government .” Musila said.

The leaders downplayed opposition chief, Raila Odinga’s call on Kenyans to boycott working on Monday terming it ill informed adding that people from the Eastern region ought to ignore such calls.

They urged those who lost in the elections to seek legal redress in bid to solve electoral related issues occasioned during the August poll results, urging the police to refrain from using force whenever they deal with protesters .

“We support the call by the clergy ,international observers that the aggrieved party ,should follow the laid down procedures in accordance with our constitution and seek legal redress .”Musila said

Outgoing MPs who were present include Charles Nyamai of Kitui rural ,John Munuve of Mwingi North , Bernard Kitungi of Mwingi West,Joe Mutambo of Mwingi central  and Marcus Muluvi of Kitui East .

