Kingi ,Madzayo retained as Getrude Mbeyu joins them

Kilifi county representatives elect (L-R) Getrude Mbeyu, Stewart Madzayo and Amason Kingi during the campaign period PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi,KENYA:Amason Kingi, Getrude Mbeyu and Stewart Madzayo were on Friday evening declared winners of Kilifi County’s top three seats.

Kingi was declared the Kilifi County Governor, Mbeyu declared the County Women Representative to the national assembly while  Madzayo declared the County representative to the upper house.

Addressing the public at the Pwani University theatre hall during the declaration of the leaders, Nelly Ilongo, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission County returning officer, congratulated them for the victory.

“I want to congratulate all of you who won these seats, may God bless you as you take on the new challenges,” said Ilongo.

Kingi won the seat with a landslide of 213,497 votes against his close rival Gideon Mung’aro of Jubilee who got 55,160 votes as Kazungu Kambi of Kadu Asili got 43,570 votes.

Former Coast Development authority director, Kahindi James Mangi got 3,296 votes on an independent ticket as Benjamini Dadu of Amani National Congress got 2,370 votes respectively.

On the senatorial seat, fomer Judge of the high court and incumbent senator of Kilifi County Stewart Madzayo won the seat with the majority votes of 204,912 ahead of his rivals Kennedy Nyale, Lucas Maitha, Charles Chigiri and Emmanuel Kadenge who got 61,393, 39,090 8,179 and 5,420 votes respectively.

Meanwhile Getrude Mbeyu of ODM who is  the former Kibarani member of county assembly clinched the seat  to represent as the Woman to represent Kilifi county in the national assembly with 167,368 votes ahead of her  9 rivals Amina Munyazi of Jubilee, Jubiliet Riziki, independent, Witness Tsuma of Kadu Asili, Priscilla Nzikwa of Wiper, Josephine Chizi of KANU, Ummi Kulthum, Independent, Getrude Bahati of FPKand Betty Medza independent who got 68,021, 24,006, 16,177, 14,744, 9,821, 8,721, 5,133 and 3,817 votes respectively.

The three were handed over their certificated and vowed to deliver their promises to the community .

