NASA leaders urge IEBC to declare the right president

Nasa Presidential candidate Raila Odinga casts his vote at Old Kibera primary school. PHOTO: COURTESY.
Nairobi,KENYA:National Super Alliance NASA leaders have disputed the results displayed by IEBC public portal putting Uhuru Kenyatta a head, Citing it as fraud.
Addressing the media on Friday at the place at  ABC Westlands, Suba elect member of parliament who is also Chairman of Orange democratic movement  John Mbadi said that,IEBC did not create a public portal that  allows for the deposit  of documents and instead kept feeding Kenyans with results that  no nobody knows where they are coming from.
 “What we have seen is a grave contravention of the law.”Said Mbadi.
 Mbadi claims that in all the NASA constituencies there were no presidential results tallied and returning officers were dismissive saying it will be tallied later.
 He further said that there independent analysis has shown very clearly that Raila Odinga won the election.
 In the mean time, they are calling on all Kenyans to maintain calm and vigilant as they   wait for a fair conclusion.

