Marwa warns politicians against hatespeech

Coast Regional coordinator Nelson Marwa PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu,KENYA:Coast regional Coordinator Nelson Marwa has warned politicians in Lamu against using inflammatory language during this campaign period.

Speaking in Lamu on Thursday,Marwa asked politicians to observe and use words that will instill cohesion and keep communities together.

Marwa said the law was the same for both Jubilee and Nasa allied politicians and said all must strive to desist from using words that can instill hate,fear or create tension in any given way and place.

He said such politicians will be promptly apprehended and prosecuted for hate speech.

Marwa said he saw no reason why any given politician from any given political party should go around insulting people in the name of campaigning.

He said those who insult fellow politicians or locals will also be prosecuted.

“People must use a language that brings people together.We don’t care whether you are in Jubilee or NASA,all I care about is law and order since that’s my job.We won’t tolerate people using hate speech and insults all in the name of campaigning.In such a case,the law shall definitely take its course,”said Marwa.

The security coordinator said politicians irrespective of the party affiliations have a right to hold peaceful and respectful campaigns in any part of the county and Kenya as a whole.

“Let people hold their campaigns any where they wish to as long as they do it peacefully and respectfully while observing the rule of law,”he said.

Marwa also warned the youth in Lamu against accepting to be used as instruments to cause chaos by politicians in their campaigns.

He said it was a punishable crime for any person to take money as payment to cause chaos at a rally or meetings of any given politician or any event for that matter.

Marwa said the law shall not be soft on such youth and they will be arrested and charged.

“We are warning politicians who are fond of hiring and paying youths to cause chaos.But most of all we are warning those who accept money from politicians to go and cause trouble.We wont care about your age if we get,we will have you arrested.People who go around threatening others because they have been paid by whoever better stop before we get to them,”said Marwa.

