Inua jamii cash disbursement to commence in January 2018

Cabinet secretary Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection Philis Kandie PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Readiness of  INUA jamii cash transfer program  for  older persons across the country will commence  as from 31st January 2018 after  the Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection completes registration of the  exercise.

In a media briefing in Nairobi, The Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection Philis Kandie said that  so far the government has registered 250,000 out of half a million persons whom  it is targeting.

”The right of all Kenyans to a minimum income security is recognized in the Constitution as articulated in Article 21, 43 & 57 and the Government’s national development strategies and policy frameworks.”Kandie said

“The aim of this program is to enhance income security, improve livelihoods among older persons of 70 years and above and build resilience and foster a life of dignity among older persons. ‘She added

In the persons aged over 70 years are set to be receiving shs 2,000 every month and National Hospital and Insurance Fund cards to help them  seek medical services.

Kandie downplayed opposition’s assertion that, the program is a campaign tool for the Jubilee administration to sway voters to their camp insisting that the program has been rolled out in the 47 counties.

She said that her ministry will be partnering with the ministry  of  interior especially chiefs ,  to identify the viable people who will benefit from the program.

So far 1,433 persons in Kwale county have been registered ,460 in Lamu ,2,900 in Kilifi ,925 in Mombasa ,Tanariver 554,Taita Taveta 1,894  while Muranga leading with 21,000 registered persons.

The Ministry , which currently supports 310,000 beneficiary households nationally has  enhanced registration of the Older Persons Cash Transfer programme started 3rd July, 2017 and will run until 31st August, 2017.

The allocation for the programme in this financial year 2017/2018 is sh. 7.4 Billion.

