Is Zari hinting that Diamond is not the father to princess Tiffah?


Tanzanian singer Diamond Platinumz’s baby mama  Zari Hassan has pulled an unexpected move after dropping Diamonds surname from their daughters instagram.

It all started when an Instagram user posted a photo of their daughter Princess Latiffah Dangote captioning it

“Fashionista in the making #tiffahdangote”

Zari was quck to comment in the photo correcting it .

“Latiffah Hassan correction”

It is not clear what prompted the mother of five to make such a comment but many suspect that tension between the her and Diamond Platnumz could be the cause of such action.

Zari is currently in Uganda where her mother is admitted at the ICU in Nakaliro hospital in Kampala while Diamond spent the weekend throwing her mother Sandra ‘Sanura’ Kassim a birthday  party .

Diamond also attended his Salome video vixen Tunda’s birthday party.

However fans of the couple have become accustomed such rumors of a breakup.

