Kenyan data firm gets certification to host tech giants Google and Amazon

Ben Roberts, acting Managing Director of Liquid Telecom Kenya and Dan Kwach, General Manager PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:East Africa Data Center EADC a subsidiary of Liquid telecom Kenya has received Tier III Certification.

General Manager Dan Kwach has said that this translates to high standard service levels in data hosting and reliability.

“This means guaranteed uninterrupted services for organizations that store immense amounts of data like Google and Facebook,” Mr. Kwach remarked at Radisson Blue Hotel in Nairobi during the announcement of the certification.

He added that EADC now has the capacity to host mission critical services offered by banks and financial institutions.

“We are now ready to host the mobile network operators offering critical services within this region. Less than a month back we had an outage on a mobile money transfer service; that will make you appreciate the reason we talk about mission critical facilities,” he continued.

Mr. Kwach remarked that this milestone is aimed at mitigating the effects of risks for different market segments.

Maggy Maina Sales and Service Delivery Manager EADC told Baraka FM that they are now targeting giant companies that offer cloud services like Amazon due to their recently attained certification; a first in the East African Region.

“Most of the hosting for those huge companies is done outside Africa but now we can

offer such services here. Kenya will pioneer carrying out such services,” she continued.

Uptime Institute Professional Services is the only firm in the world licensed to rate and certify designs, constructed facilities and ongoing operations against its Classification System and Operational Sustainability criteria to deliver stamps of ,Assurance.

“EADC’s certification is a reflection of its dedication to securing excellence in the realm of data and hosting solutions,” Uptime Institute President R. Lee Kirby

concluded in a statement.


