Ex-town clerk flouted procurement rules,PPPU boss tells court

Former Mombasa town clerk Tubman Otieno PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:The director of the Public private partnership unit Stanely Kamau on Wednesday told a court in Mombasa that proper procedures were not followed in issuance of a contract in a corruption case involving former Mombasa Town clerk Tubman Otieno.

Kamau who is a witness in the case, told the court before chief magistrate Julius Nang’ea that he received a letter dated 10th May 2010 written by the Ethics and anti corruption commission which was at the time known as the Kenya Anti corruption commission inquiring if proper procurement procedures had been followed in awarding of the contract for the management of truck parking services on behalf of the Mombasa municipal council to Summit clove limited.

Kamau said that proper public private partnership procedures which include preparation of a concept paper, submission of a complete feasibility study and preparation of a cabinet memorandum were not followed by the procuring entity which in this case was the Mombasa municipal council.

Tubman had been arrested by the EACC which was at the time known as the KACC after the anti corruption body accused him of failing to comply with the set procurement procedures.

It is alleged that between the 14th day of October 2009 and 13th February 2010 at the municipal town hall of Mombasa, the former town clerk willfully failed to comply with procurement procedures awarding a contract to manage parking services on behalf of the Mombasa town council to Summit clove lines limited.

Several witnesses including anti corruption body officials are expected to testify in the case that has been ongoing since 2011.

