Women group urges NCIC to drive peace messages at grassroots, not hotel seminars

Woman holds peace placard. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: A women movement from Chaani ward Changamwe Sub- County dubbed “Great Women” has pledged to preach peace during this electioneering period scheduled for August this year.

Addressing journalists in Mombasa on Monday, Mary Taura a member of the movement said they have only been hearing about peace meetings being conducted in high class hotels, but nobody has gone to the grassroots level.

She added that the aim of forming the movement was to bring together women and youth in Mombasa County to ensure that peace prevails during the campaign period.

“We always hear of peace meetings but have not seen any of these people coming to the grassroots level. We decided to form this movement to bring the youth and women together and pursue peace.” She said.

On the other hand, Virginia Wangoi a member of the board said that as mothers they have the responsibilities of taking care of the home and the society at large and therefore urged the youth not to be used by self seeking politicians to disrupt peace before, during and after the campaign period.

“Our responsibilities include taking care of the home and the society at large. We therefore urge our youth to maintain peace and never be used negatively by selfish politicians during this period.” Virginia said

She accused the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) for carrying out their peace conferences at luxurious hotels and private premises where the ordinary man has no access to.

Wangoi urged the commission officials to hold their peace meetings at the grassroots where they can access every Kenyan.

