I have ditched Wiper party,says Nyali Mp Awiti Bolo


Nyali MP Hezron Awiti has ditched the Wiper party alleging that the Mombasa gubernatorial nomination process will not be free and fair.

Addressing his supporters in Mombasa, Awiti who is the national treasurer of the party, said he has already resigned from the party through a letter.

Awiti said despite being a loyal party member, delays in nomination process for gubernatorial seat have raised eyebrows.

The Mp alleged that a political game is underway to deny him an opportunity to compete for the party ticket.

“If you are a married man and you are busy every time, someone will replace you’, he said.

The legislator said he is going to declare his next move in a week even as speculation is rife he will head to jubilee or newly formed vibrant Democratic Party.

Awiti is among the candidates for the governorship seat in Mombasa County.

Recent opinion polls survey by Infotrak puts Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho ahead of the pack in the gubernatorial race.

Governor Joho leads with a significant majority of 63 % supporting him, 8 % were for Suleiman Shahbal while 2.6 % sought allegiance with incumbent Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar and the current Nyali MP Hezron Awiti would garner 1% per cent of the vote.

Last week Jomvu Mp Badi Twalib also of wiper, officially ditched the party ahead of the August general elections.

“For now just take it that Badi has resigned from Wiper. More to unfold’, said Moffat Mutero, his personal assistant.

Mutero stated that Badi ditched Wiper party for both political and personal reasons and not fear.

The Jomvu MP decamped following what the PA said was political witchunt from his Mombasa senator Omar Hassan who is the secretary general of the Kalonzo Musyoka led party.


