The devil sent me to kill my husband, woman tells court


Mombasa, KENYA: A Woman who told a Mombasa court that she was sent by the devil to kill her husband was on Monday acquitted due to insufficient evidence.

Rhoda Mukemba  was accused of allegedly attacking Benard Nzai Mulwa using her co-wife’s machete to commit the offence.

The husband Benard Nzai, told the court that the accused knocked on his door at 11:00 pm and when he opened, she attacked him with a machete living him with an injury on his shoulder and left hand.

According to the evidence of Jane Mwambua who happens to be the co-wife, she was in bed with her husband when the door was knocked and she asked him to open the door but a few minutes later she heard screams.

“I took the panga from my husband’s hand and went to hide it under the bed, Ms Mukemba is my husband’s other wife and when I came to live with him he told me he was married but did not love his wife,” Mwambua said.

Mombasa senior principal magistrate Henry Nyakweba said that it was evident that the accused person was married to the complainant who had brought in another woman.

Mr. Nyakweba further said that prosecution proved that the accused person attacked the complainant but the machete alleged to have been used, was not produced in the court and therefore freed the accused person.

Ms Rhoda was alleged to have committed the offence on 21 August, 2012 at Jomvu area within Mombasa County.

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