Uhuru is the most popular presidential candidate, says Ipsos poll

Rais Uhuru Kenyatta.

Nairobi, KENYA: A recent Ipsos survey reveals that almost half of Kenyans support President Uhuru Kenyatta’s bid to vie for the country’s top coveted seat.

Mr. Kenyatta’s popularity maintained the lead standing at 47 per cent.

CORD Principal Raila Odinga came in second at 30 per cent, Kalonzo Musyoka another CORD Principal stood at 6 per cent while Musalia Mudavadi’s popularity polled at 3 per cent.

Ipsos Lead Researcher Tom Wolf warned that this may not be the exact results in the forthcoming general elections since NASA is yet to field its candidate.

“We also commenced the exercise before the Mass Voter Registration MVR began. However more polls on the same will be done after the MVR,” he assured.

When respondents were asked about their knowledge of political candidates who expressed interest in the presidency during the upcoming August polls, almost 9 out of 10 respondents mentioned President Kenyatta.

“84 per cent knew Mr. Odinga intended to vie, 52 per cent had Mr. Kalonzo in mind while 42 per cent mentioned Mudavadi. Shocking is how 6 per cent of the interviewees did not know any candidate vying for the top seat,” explained Dr. Wolf.

2,057 respondents were interviewed between the 9th of January and the 26th of January 2017.

