Tourists arrive in Lamu for Art festival 2017

Lamu governor Issa Timamy (with head gear) during 2016's Lamu Art festival. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Lamu, KENYA: Tourists from across the country and the world have begun streaming to Lamu for this year’s Art festival .

The festival taking place throughout the weekend, is the second since its inception in 2016 and  will feature paintings and sculptures from over 40 artists that cut across the globe with most of them coming from Kenya and Europe.

The mission of this year’s festival is to engage with drug users in the town and work with them and their families through new rehabilitation methods to bring down drug use in the area.

According to Lamu’s Tourism executive Kaviha Khamis,the festival is believed to be a bringing together of music and art lovers from all over the world to be inspired by Lamu’s beautiful islands and create work and have the chance to exhibit and perform in a unique setting.

For visitors, it gives Lamu the edge, something to bring people together and have a great weekend.

Kaviha said there was need to do something on the increased drug use in Lamu and that this year’s Art festival had specifically been designed and dedicated to that.

“All is set and we are ready for this year’s art festival. Our theme this year is drugs. We want to put more effort into ensuring the vice is eliminated as it is very harmful to the user and the society,” said Kaviha.

The festival is among many others listed by the county government and used to market the county to the outside world.

