Over 2800 ID cards lie uncollected in Mombasa


Mombasa, KENYA: Over 2800 Identification ID cards whose owners are yet to show up are lying at the office of the registrar in Mombasa County, according County Commissioner Evans Achoki.

Addressing the press on Tuesday, Achoki said the IDs are of the New Applicants NPR, who registered with the registrar but have since failed to collect them.

The administrator besides instructing Chiefs and their assistants to walk door to door to deliver the cards, has urged the residents to visit their area’s Chief offices to pick their IDs

‘’ We have uncollected ID cards because there are Kenyans who applied for the same but have not return to check if they are out, kindly visit the nearest Chief offices so that you can be advised on how to get your identification card,’’ said Achoki.

‘’ We will send short messages to the owners of the IDs to come and pick them, if that fails then chiefs will use their motorbikes to deliver the cards door to door,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, the County Commissioner also said that they have agreed with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission IEBC to put three mobile registration centres in every ward in Mombasa County.

The exercise will be done thrice a week in every ward in a move that aims to woo residents to register as voters in numbers.

He also added that those seeking to get Identification ID cards this period will get the item in a span of one week.

‘’The officers are willing and ready to ensure that every single Kenyan aged 18-years and above get ID so that they can register as voters and take part in the upcoming August elections,’’ Achoki said.

