Marwa given 48 hours ultimatum to apologize over “drug addicts” remarks


Mombasa, KENYA: A group of Mombasa youths have given the Coast Regional Coordinator Nelson Marwa 48 hours to apologize for calling them drug addicts.

The group- Mombasa youth caucus -castigated Mr. Marwa for his utterances where he said drug addicts were paid to cheer Mombasa governor Hassan Joho when he publicly differed with President Uhuru Kenyatta about projects in the County.

They also accused Mr. Marwa of playing politics, instead of coordinating security in the region.

“If we are drug addicts as he said, let him take us to rehabilitation center. We want him to apologize to the Mombasa youth failure to that, what will happen he will not like it,” said the group’s coordinator Mr Fadhil Mzee.

Fadhil says they were sober during the meeting and were not funded by anyone to cheer or heckle anyone.

The group also refuted Marwa’s claim that they were funded to cheer Joho to despise President Kenyatta.

“We went there on our own. We were not paid by anyone and we were very sober,” added Fadhil.

Marwa on Wednesday during a press briefing at his offices in Mombasa warned against politicians using the youth to cause chaos during the coming  elections.

READ ALSO: Marwa orders all illegal gun holders to surrender firearms or face consequences

He gave out an example of the youth who were cheering Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho when he told off President Uhuru for riding on the former coalition government projects in Mombasa.

