Politicians warned against using witchcraft to win elections

Witchcraft paraphernalia. Two suspects have been arrested while at a witchdoctor's house who was allegedly helping them to escape the police./COURTESY

Kwale,KENYA:Politicians have been warned against using witchcraft to win elections.

Pastor Wilber Gogo of Gosepl Revival in Kwale County said any politician who uses juju (charms) will perish before actualizing their dreams.

“watakaoshiriki uchawi ili kupata kura kutoka kwa waumini wataangamia kabla ya kutimiza malengo yao (Those who will try to use witchcraft to get votes from faithfuls will not succeed )’, he claimed.

The pastor said he will fast for a week to rebuke politicians bent on using witchcraft to win.

He said it was time Kenyans and especially leaders turned from ungodly ways.


