Raila Odinga to be sworn in today

Raila Odinga. PHOTO: FILE.

Nairobi,KENYA: Hundreds of  National super alliance (Nasa) supporters are camped at Uhuru park waiting for the swearing in of Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka scheduled to take place at 1:00pm.

The supporters braved the early cold to make it to the venue, as another group already in the park, danced and sang songs praising their leaders.

However, a contingent of police that had camped around the city on the eve of the “inauguration”, was allegedly ordered to withdraw.

According to sources, this was to avoid ugly scenes between security forces and Nasa supporters.

Nasa co principal Kalonzo Musyoka condemned the government for shutting down KTN, NTV and CITIZEN television stations for covering live the Nasa event.

According to Kalonzo, the move signaled the return of dictatorship in the country.

“We don’t understand this panic. Why complete shutdown?, Nivibaya kabisa kwa communications authority kufanya vile wamefanya”, said Kalonzo.

He further urged Nasa supporters to maintain peace.

Nasa CEO Norman Magaya said Mr. Odinga will be sworn in at 1:00 pm.

