Coast region NASA leaders declare plans to secede from Kenya

NASA coast leaders led by Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo, Governor Hassan Joho and Amason Kingi during a press briefing in Mombasa. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa,KENYA: Coast region leaders led by Mombasa and Kilifi governors Ali Hassan Joho and Amason Kingi on Friday announced that they have kicked off the process to secede from the rest of Kenya.

The leaders who were speaking during a presser in Mombasa said they had begun engaging the coastal residents and stakeholders to forge a way forward.

“We have agreed that we will use all legally acceptable means to ensure our dream is fulfilled.” Kilifi governor Amason Kingi told reporters.

The leaders said they would involve industry players and they had consulted local and international lawyers on how they would go about the process.

The leaders also said they had picked Kilifi North MP Owen Baya, Kilifi and Mombasa senators Stewart Madzayo and Mohamed Faki and Mvita MP AbdulSwamad Shariff Nassir to spearhead the move.

However, the leaders denied links to the Mombasa Republican council group which was calling for secession of the region a few years ago.

READ ALSO:Nasa leaders call for boycott of Safaricom, Brookside, Bidco products

