Detectives summon parents of 40 criminal gang members in Likoni

Some of the weapons recovered from suspects during a past raid.Police have gunned down a suspect link to the saturday machette attack in Likoni PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Detectives in Likoni have summoned the parents of the 40 deadliest criminal gang members  of wakalikwanza watalia and wajuku wa bibi.

The move comes barely a month after Mombasa county commissioner Evans Achoki visited Likoni where he held a security baraza and ordered the security agents to make sure they weed out all criminal gangs in a span of three months.

The three month ultimatum will come to an end in Decmber.

After profiling the gang members, police summoned their parents to the DCC office where they were warned and told to expect dire consequences.

Security committee led by Likoni police boss Benjamin Rotich,DCI Henry Ndombi and DCC Erick Mulevu issued a stern warning to the parents and asked them to be responsible.

Police have profiled 40 suspected criminal gangs as the most dangerous;they are aged between 16 and 22 and arm themselves with crude weapons including machetes.

Police took an unusual step by writing letters to parents of known gang members, telling them their children are in danger and they need to report to police without failure.

Likoni police chief Benjamin Rotich confirmed to Baraka FM on Thursday that they had summoned the parents of the identified suspected members following a spate of insecurity in the area.

“We want solutions from parents,we want them to be responsible,and that is why we summoned them we wnt a lasting solution,small children who are of school age attacking and robbing people will not be tolerated,”said police boss.

Sources present at the closed door meeting told Baraka FM some parents of the gang members could not hold back their tears after they were issued with last warning.

The source added that the police also did not specify the move they will take from there , leaving the parents with many questions in their minds.

Police boss noted that the crack down has been going on but as from Thursday they will increase police officers both in civilian and uniform.

