New Governors to be sworn in by end of August, says CS Kiunjuri

Former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri who launched The Service Party of Kenya on Wednesday./COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Ministry of Devolution and planning has outlined the order in which the Governors elect in all the 47 counties will be sworn in and assume office.

Addressing the media in Nairobi on Tuesday, Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri noted that there is need to notify the public of the date,time and place of the swearing in ceremony of each governor elect, so that the citizen may bear witness and be part of the process.

In the coastal counties, Mombasa governor Elect Hassan Joho is expected to be sworn in at Mama Ngina Drive on 22nd August 2017,Amason Kingi of Kilifi county will be sworn in at Karisa Maitha Gardens on 21st August 2017.

Governor elect for Kwale county Salim Muvrya his swearing in ceremony will be conducted at Kwale Baraza Park on 21st August 2017 same date applies to Tana River governor elect Dhadho Godhana whose ceremony will be held at Hola Stadium and Fahim Twaha of Lamu county will be at Mkunguni,Lamu Town.

In Nairobi county, governor elect Mike Sonko will be sworn in on 21st August 2017 at Uhuru park.

The CS said that the Judiciary was notified on time and has already provided a list of judges and magistrate assigned to preside over and witness the swearing in of the governors elect in each county.

“As you are aware this is the first time the country is experiencing a transition of leadership under the devolved system.” Kiunjuri said.

He has also stated that the second process will be that of setting the date of the first sitting of the county assembly signed by the governor soon after the swearing-in.

