TSC advertises over 14,700 promotional posts

A file photo of a teacher and students during a lesson in class./COURTESY.

The Teachers Service Commission has announced 14,738 open promotional posts.

Qualified candidates should submit their applications by 23rd January 2023.

The openings include four Chief Principal (Teacher Training Colleges) positions.

The majority of the promotional posts at 13,713 are for Principals, Deputy Principals, Senior Masters, Secondary Teachers, Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers in secondary and primary schools.

Vacancies for teachers deployed as Principals, Deputy Principals, Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers in ASAL and Hard-To-Staff counties and sub-counties including Kilifi (Magarini and Ganze sub-counties), Kwale, Lamu, Taita Taveta and Tana River are 1,021.

Interested candidates who meet the required qualification should submit their applications online through the TSC portal www.teachersonline.co.ke so as to be received on or before 23rd January 2023. Manual applications shall not be considered,” read the ad from TSC.

After the interviews, successful candidates shall be required to present valid Chapter six documents before they are considered for appointment.

