Over 1,000 discharged pushing total COVID-19 recoveries to 12,961

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe during the daily COVID-19 briefing./COURTESY

At least 1,062 COVID-19 patients were discharged raising the total recoveries in the country to 12,692.

According to Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe, 599 more people tested positive for the disease bringing the national infection toll to 26,436.

The new cases were from a sample of 4,420 tested in the last 24 hours. Total sample tested in the country is now at 353,727.

Meanwhile, two more people succumbed to the disease pushing total COVID-19 fatalities in the country to 420.

While during the daily COVID-19 briefings, that was held in Kisumu County, CS Kagwe condemned act by some private family doctors colluding with families to give false COVID-19 results in attempt by families to bury their without following the MoH directives on burial procedures of someone who has succumbed to the disease.

“We are all vulnerable to COVID-19 & , no one, not even doctors should be coerced by families to attempt the falsification of positive results. This puts us all at undue risk & such conduct is contrary to the professional ethics & vows that doctors ascribe to,” said the Health CS.

In order for bereaved and grieving families to have closure, CS Kagwe, however, urged health officials to initiate posthumous testing where and when there is a difference in opinion regarding the cause of death.

