2018 is not going so well for Diamond Platnumz! Find out why

Tanzanian singer Diamond Platnumz PHOTO COURTESY

Things might not be going so well in the camp of Tanzania’s Wasafi record label C.E.O Diamond Platnumz, this is after a trail of events in the recent past indicating red lights.

A few weeks ago Diamond Platnumz received a career blow when one of Tanzania’s biggest media house decided to stop playing his music on both their radio and television studios, after Wasafi’s lead dancer Mose Iyobo allegedly beat up a journalist affiliated to the station.

Before even that wound would heal, his baby mama had already  taken him to court over child upkeep fee which saw Diamond give  everything almost to his last coin, gladly the case was settled and sealed.

Just yesterday, Diamond received yet another blow after an Instagram post by one miss @mtoto_wa_magu went viral revealing a secret behind Diamond Karanga which Diamond Platnumz has been advertising.

Apparently, Diamond Karanga is not one of his products, according to the post, the product was already in the market long before he was signed in as the brand ambassador.

Surprisingly, Diamond Karanga belongs to the same media house Diamond Platnumz has had issues with under one Joseph Kusaga in partnership with Mr. Radima the owner of the factory producing Diamond Karanga.

Having “exposed” this secret earlier that saw her being bashed for it, she seems to have had the last laugh, she even went ahead to challenge Diamond’s fans to find out who the real owner of Chibu perfume is.

