Mother in court for assaulting 6-yr-old son over stolen sh.100


Mombasa, KENYA: A 32-year-old mother  has admitted to assaulting her six-year-old child after he allegedly stole sh.100.

Rose Emily pleaded guilty before Mombasa chief magistrate on Tuesday to the charge of assaulting her child and causing  injury to his body on February 14, 2017 in Majengo area, within Likoni in Mombasa County.

According to the child’s statement, his mother used her high heel shoe to beat him after she accused him of stealing sh.100.

The child also claimed that his father had colluded with his mother to beat him, he said in a statement that his father used a wire to beat him and caused injuries to his body.

The child’s father is however nowhere to be found, even after a neighbour reported the incident to Likoni police station.

Prosecution requested court for more time to enable the doctor to write a medical report, court also heard that P3 forms were not filled.

Mombasa Chief Magistrate Julius Nang’ea ordered the children officer to prepare a report regarding the child and present it in court.

The prosecution is required to read the facts to the accused person on February 21, 2017.

