AU elections outcome won’t affect Kenya relations with other countries, Says Amb. Amina


Nairoi, KENYA: Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amb. Amina Mohammed has refuted claims that her failure to capture the African Union Commission Chairperson seat would severe relations between Kenya, her neighbours and other countries in the continent.

Speaking in Nairobi at the Intercontinental Hotel during her luncheon on Wednesday, Amb. Mohammed stated that the outcome of these elections is not an equivalent of Kenya’s relations with nations of Africa.

“Our relations are important and impact on a daily basis. We trade with these countries, we enter into arrangements and we attend summits together.”  Said Amina.

“Yes there is a lesson to be learnt. But I do not think that lesson is solid enough to affect what we do every day. This was a once in 3 month issue affair,’” she reiterated.

The CS said that there is no time for analyzing the outcome of the vote and rather African governments can work towards making decisions in support of prosperity in the continent.

“We wish we had won we didn’t but we move on. A scholar once said anyone can deal with victory but only the mighty can deal with a loss. Vying for chairmanship put Kenya both on the continental and global map.”

Gender and Youth CS Sicily Kariuki  also present at the Luncheon congratulated CS Amina and added that in leadership sometimes one win sometimes one doesn’t.

Chadian Foreign Affairs Minister Moussa Faki Mahamat defeated Amb. Mohammed  after 7 rounds of voting.

During the elections Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti did not vote for Kenya.

This was the first time Kenya was vying for this coveted seat.

