Kenyan media blamed for travel sanctions


Mombasa,KENYA:Kenyan media has been blamed for painting a bad picture of the country hence travel advisory by foreign countries.

This comes barely few days after the US government warned its citizens to avoid visiting some places and regions in the country due to security threats.

Kenya Association of Hotel keepers and Caterers (KAHC) Coast branch Executive officer Mr. Sam Ikwaye blamed the media for reporting on matters that indicate to the foreign countries that Kenya is no longer safe.

“A small isolated case being blown off proportion makes everybody and probably the USA government to think that there is much of a terrible security crisis in the country which is not the truth”. He said.

According to Ikwaye, the past travel advisories to the country led to unemployment where most hit was the coast region.

“What happened to Kenya when we had advisories last time affected the entire economy of the Coast region. Many people lost jobs; most Children were not able to go back to school and very worse is that it’s coming at this time that we are faced with a General Election”. Said, he added.

The tourism stakeholders are now urging Kenyans and East African countries to support each other to guard against such shocks.

On 13 January, the U.S department of state warned its citizens to avoid traveling to Old town in Mombasa, Mandera, Wajir and Garissa.

It also listed Tana River, Lamu, Malindi and Eastleigh in Nairobi as unsafe.

The U.S embassy further recommended its citizens to avoid using the Likoni ferry due to safety concerns.

