Governor Joho arrested along with other Coast MPs


Mombasa, KENYA: Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and Mvita Member of Parliament Abdulswamad Sharriff Nassir have been arrested and are currently being held at the police station.

Mombasa Lawyer Mohammed Balala on Friday confirmed to Baraka FM that Kisauni Mp Rashid Bedzimba together with Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori Ramadhani are also being held at the Regional police headquaters.

Earlier on Friday, Governor Joho addressing journalists outside Aga Khan hospital, claimed that his relatives and friends have been frustrated and attacked by security officials to get back at him.

Joho stated that a friend’s house was raided by police claiming to be searching for illegal firearms.

According to Balala who is also Joho’s lawyer, the governor, together with ten MCAs from Lamu and Mombasa Counties, arrived at the police station to enquire about his friend, only for him to be arrested.

He said that police are yet to give concrete reasons for Joho’s ally arrest, adding the Governor had only gone to the station to demand an explanation as to why his ally, Ibrahim Iktar, had been arrested after his house in Ganjoni was raided by authorities Friday morning.

Balala says authorities claimed “orders from above” demanded that the Mombasa Governor spends the night in police cells.

He added that he unsuccessfully tried to talk to police at the station to grant Joho and his colleagues a release on bond but he wasnt successful.

