Somalia expels Kenyan diplomats

Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo. Somalia has cut diplomatic ties with Kenya./COURTESY

The federal government of Somalia has cut diplomatic ties with Kenya accusing her of meddling with Somalia’s integrity.

Somalia’s move will see, Kenyan diplomats leave the country after recalling its diplomats from Nairobi.

The announcement was made by the Minister of Information Osman Abukar Dube on state media.

Dube, recalled all Somali diplomats to Mogadishu and ordered all Kenyan diplomats to leave the country within 7 days.

According to Dube, Kenya has constantly interfered in Somalia’s internal affairs and politics.

This move is a replica of what transpired last month, after recalling its Ambassador to Kenya, Mohamud Ahmed Nur Tarzan and further instructed the Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to Somalia, Lt-Gen (Rtd) Lucas Tumbo, to leave the country.

This comes a day after President Uhuru Kenyatta hosted bilateral talks between Kenya and the visiting Somaliland delegation led by President Musa Bihi Abdi at State House, Nairobi.

On the other hand, Kenyan government spokesperson Colonel (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna said a special committee had been appointed to resolve the diplomatic tiff rocking the two countries.

“We can’t do without Somali and Somali can’t do without Kenya. We are doing a lot of business as neighbors,” said the government spokesperson.

