Court awards former PS Lilian Omollo sh.1 for unfair dismissal

Former PS Lilian Omollo. The Court has awarded her sh.1 for wrongful dismissal./COURTESY

Former Principal Secretary Lilian Omollo has been awarded sh.1 by the High Court for being wrongfully dismissed.

PS Omollo moved to court in June 2020 seeking compensation for the unlawful revocation of her appointment in May.

Omollo was suspended in June, 2018 following charges of alleged mishandling of funds. She had stepped aside earlier in May to allow investigations which upon completion she was charged before the Magistrates Court on 29th May with corruption-related offences.

On 19th May, 2020, the Cabinet Secretary wrote to her to inform her that her appointment had lapsed with the appointment of another person to the office of the Principal Secretary, Public Service.

In her Petition, Omollo was seeking restoration of all withheld salaries and allowances for the years under suspension, general damage for the breach of her constitutional rights and/or the right to legitimate expectations, among others.

In his ruling, Judge Stephen Radido awarded the Petitioner a nominal sh.1 for the violation of her right to due process and ordered for each party to bear its own costs.

“That a declaration is hereby issued that a Principal Secretary is entitled to the protections assured public officers by Article 236 of the Constitution,” read the judgement.

The judge said that because the former PS was found to have unexplained wealth, the amount awarded was adequate for the violation of her rights.

