Coronavirus: First sub-Saharan case confirmed in Nigeria

Patients being screened at the Jomo Kenyatta International airport./COURTESY

Nigeria has confirmed the first case of Coronavirus in Subsaharan Africa, the health ministry said in a statement on Friday.

The infected patient is an Italian national who works in Lagos and who had just jetted in from Italy where seven people have already died of the virus and more than 250 infected.

The majority of the cases have been confirmed in Lombardy, the capital of Milan where the Nigerian patient flew in from.

This comes just a few hours after the Chinese government through its embassy in Kenya stated that more Chinese citizens will jet into Kenya.

The statement issued by the embassy indicates that the Chinese citizens will be flown in weekly until 25th March which translates to 4 more flights jetting into the country.

“The China Southern Airlines resumed flights from Guangzhou to Nairobi and flights will be reduced to once a week until 25th March 2020…” read in part the statement.

The directive by the Chinese embassy comes amid uproar from the public after the embassy defended the decision to allow more of its nationals into the country at a time the Asian nation is struggling with the deadly and highly contagious coronavirus.

The ministry of health in its defense after 239 Chinese jetted into the country stated that the Chinese nationals have been advised to take a 14 days self–quarantine as public health safety measures a control measure that has also been recommended by the Chinese embassy in Kenya.

“The Embassy wishes to reiterate that 14-day self-quarantine is one of China’s epidemic prevention and control experiences and for the public health safety of Kenya which we all cherish,” the statement read in part.

The Kenyan government has maintained that they have not managed to get the 91 Kenyan students and 9 artists confined in Wuhan out of China.

