Teen who fled home, blocked mother dies mysteriously in Likoni

Rehema Gati Juma,Mshai's mother during an interview with journalists on Friday PHOTO COURTESY

A family in Jomvu area of Mombasa is currently mourning the death of their 16 year old daughter who passed away under what the family terms as mysterious circumstances in Likoni.

Rosalia Mshai passed away on Wednesday while being rushed to the Likoni sub-county hospital.

According to the deceased’s mother Rehema Gati Juma, Mshai who was a form two student at Jomvu girl’s high school had disappeared in August and efforts to trace her had failed after she seemingly discarded her sim card.

“When I called her and she heard my voice, she hanged up and blocked my number. I made a report at Jomvu police station and the number was traced to Changamwe before the signal disappeared two days later” Gati told journalists.

It was not until Wednesday when Gati was called by police officers at the Likoni police station informing her that her daughter passed away.

According to the deceased’s friend Joan Jelimo, Mshai had gone missing for three days when she decided to visit her house in Timbwani area where she found her  vomiting persistently while complaining of severe stomach pains.

“I took her to my house but her condition deteriorated on Wednesday so I took her to the Stella Maris dispensary where she was referred to the Likoni sub-county hospital” Jelimo said.

According to Violet Oloo the deceased’s landlord, the late Mshai had moved into the area early last month.

“We don’t know much about her because she used to spend the whole day either sleeping or at her friend’s salon before going to work in the evening” Oloo said.

The body of the deceased is currently lying at the Coast Provincial General Hospital Mortuary.

Gati has called upon well wishers to help her raise money to enable her pay for an autopsy to unravel her daughter’s cause of death.

