Mombasa County Assembly to resume sittings early next month


Mombasa, KENYA: The Mombasa County Assembly is expected to resume its sittings early next month after a long break.

Several motions are expected to be tabled when it resumes, among them is the one proposed by nominated MCA Fatma Swaleh that if passed, will ban the sale of ‘miraa’ and ‘muguka’ in Mombasa and only allow the sale of shisha at designated areas.

Swaleh earlier said that she is drafting the bill and when ready she will table it at the Mombasa County Assembly.

However, speaking to Baraka FM, the county deputy speaker Fadhili Mwalimu said there are so many bills and proposed motions from the public and some MCAs, but it will all depend on the house business committee.

Mwalimu added that many of the pleas they have received from the public are about the outbreak of Chikungunya virus in Mombasa, which they want the assembly to come up with a permanent solution that it does not rise again.

“Some of the proposals we have received from some MCAs and the public is that the county discus and come up with an amicable solution to the Chikungunya outbreak so that it does not emerge again in future,” said Mwalimu.

He also emphasized the need to give priority to garbage menace in the county and education.

“Once we resume our sittings, our priority also will be on the garbage collection in the county and education,” added Mwalimu.

