Marwa, Gideon Mungaro ,Hussein Dado among new faces in Uhuru’s Cabinet


Nairobi, KENYA: Coast Regional Coordinator Nelson Marwa, former Budalangi MP Ababu Namwamba, former Kilifi North Member of Parliament Gideon Munga’ro and former Tana River governor Hussein Dado are among the new faces in the just-unveiled cabinet list.

President Uhuru also created a new position known as Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS).

“Chief Administrative Secretary will broadly be responsible for helping CS to coordinate running of affairs in respective ministries,” Uhuru said.

Moved to new ministries

In the list that was unveiled by President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday,  several CS’s have been moved to new ministries; Eugene Wamalwa (Water) who has been moved to Devolution, Amina Mohamed ( Foreign Affairs) who has been moved to Education, Sicily Kariuki (Gender)  who has been moved to the Health Ministry.

This comes as Adan Mohamed has been retained as the Cabinet Secretary as Industrialisation CS where Betty Maina of the Kenya Association of Manufacturers was nominated as PS.

The Ministry of Transport CS will be manned by James Macharia, CAS Chris Obure, and the PS Paul Maringa.

Election campaigners awarded

The president has also awarded  several election losers who vigorously campaigned for the Jubilee party.

Among those who have been appointed in the Cabinet include the former MP for Kilifi North Gideon Munga’ro who has been nominated as Chief Administrative Secretary at the Ministry of lands.

Former Budalangi MP Ababu Namwaba has been nominated as the Chief Administrative Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while former Nairobi Women Representative Rachel Shebesh has been nominated as the Chief Administrative Secretary at the Ministry of Gender and Youth Affairs.

Former Turkana Senator John Munyes who vied for the Turkana gubernatorial seat on a Jubilee ticket has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary at the Ministry of Mining and Petroleum.

Former Meru governor  Peter Munya has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary at the Ministry of the East African Community and the Northern corridor, former Marsabit governor Ukkur Yattani has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary  at the Ministry of Labour, while former Tana River governor Hussein Dado has been nominated as the Chief Administrative Secretary  at the ministry of devolution where Nelson Marwa has been appointed as PS.

Jubilee party secretary Raphael Tuju has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary without portfolio.

“Raphael Tuju co-opted into the cabinet on a need basis,” President Uhuru Kenyatta said.

Promoted to new positions

Among the notable names that have been nominated to new positions include, Monica Juma who was the PS at the ministry of foreign affairs who has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary  Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Also,  chairperson of the Public Service commission Prof Margaret Kobia has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary at the Ministry of Youth, Heritage and Gender Affairs.

Former Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko has been nominated as the Cabinet secretary at the Ministry of Environment.

Joseph Mucheru has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary at the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology.

Veteran journalist Farida Karoney has been nominated as the Cabinet Secretary at the Ministry of Lands.

The names of the appointees will be forwarded to parliament for vetting and approval.

Ambassador positions

Several CSs who have not been retained have been awarded ambassador positions.

They include: Judy Wakhungu( environment)  who has been nominated as the  Kenyan ambassador to France, Cleophas Mailu (Health)  permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Dan Kazungu  who has been nominated as the high commissioner to Tanzania,Phylis Kandie ambassador to Belgium, Willy Bett(Agriculture) ambassador to India , Joseph Kaimenyi(Lands) to the UNESCO in Paris and Hassan Wario(sports) who has been nominated as the Kenyan ambassador to Austria.

Kenyan Ambassador to Turkey Kiema Kilonzo has been moved to Uganda while the Kenyan Ambassador to the UK Lazarus Amayo has been moved to  United Nations headquarters in New York.


Below is the full list of Cabinet Secretaries:

  1. Margaret Kobia – CS Youth and Public Service.
  2. John Munyes – CS Petroleum and Mining.
  3. Eugene Wamalwa – CS Devolution.
  4. Racheal Omamo – CS Defense.
  5. Monica Juma -CS Foreign affairs.
  6. Simon Chergui – CS Water.
  7. Keriako Tobiko – CS environment
  8. Adan Mohammed – CS Industrialization
  9. James Macharia – CS transport
  10. Joseph Mucheru – CS ICT
  11. Henry Rotich – CS Treasury
  12. Fred Matiangi – CS Interior
  13. Mwangi Kiunjuri – CS Agriculture
  14. Sicily Kariuki – CS Health
  15. Rashid Achesa – CS Sports
  16. Najib Balala – CS Tourism
  17. Amina Mohammed – CS Education
  18. Farida Karoney – CS Lands
  19. Ukur Yattany – CS Labour
  20. Peter Munya – CS EAC
  21. Raphel Tuju – CS (without protfolio)
  22. Charles Keter – Energy

