Government assures Kenyans of safety during festive season

Government spokesperson Eric Kiraithe at a past media briefing .PHOTO/ FILE

Nairobi, KENYA: The government has promised Kenyans maximum security during this festive season as security officers will be deployed across all borders of the country.

In a press conference on Thursday in Nairobi, Government spokesman Eric Kiraithe said that measures have been put in place in terms of curbing terrorism and that there will be heightened patrols across the country.

“Measures are in place in terms of traffic management and measures are in place to ensure those who have moved from their homes places and left their items, will find them intact,” assured Kiraithe.

However, the government spokesman has urged all citizens to be very keen on matters regarding their security in as much as the security agents are trying their best to protect them.

On the other hand, the government has faulted the move by the county government of Kiambu on the 14th of December after it purported to compel public and private organizations in the county to source 70% of its workforce from the dominant ethnic community in the county.

Kiraithe argued that the move is regarded as retrogressive and ethnical following the fact that, the constitution encourages private entities and businesses to employ qualified Kenyans with professional competence in achieving their respective corporate intent.

“County governments are public institutions. They are duty bound to follow constitutional standards and give jobs to Kenyans with the attitude and professional competence to deliver.” He said.

He added that Ethnicity and county of origin must not be sold as a factor entitling any person for special consideration but as a mere road which they must travel from individual identity to a cohesive and prosperous Kenya.

Last Thursday, the assembly passed a bill compelling public and private firms in the county to make sure that 70 percent of their employees were locals of the county.

Kiambu County Majority Leader, Antony Ikonya, who moved the motion, said it was in line with Article 65 (1) (e) of the County Government Act.

