Raila: Swearing-in ceremony still on!

Raila Odinga accompanied by Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and Kilif Governor Amson Kingi after he inaugurated the Coast People’s Assembly at Sun ’N’ Sand Beach Resort in Kilifi County. PHOTO: GRACE MITHAMO.

Kilifi, KENYA: National Super Alliance leader Raila Odinga has said plans to swear him in as the “People’s president” are still on and no one will stop him from doing so.

Speaking on Sunday after he inaugurated the Coast People’s Assembly at Sun ’N’ Sand Beach Resort in Kilifi County, Mr. Odinga said his oath of office will soon happen but they did not reveal the date.

“I am going to carry the Bible. Nobody will stop me from carrying the Bible, it is better to stand up for the truth and die for something than die for nothing,” ” Raila said.

He said the reason as to why he postponed the swearing-in ceremony that had been scheduled on Jamhuri Day, December 12, in Mombasa was due to political temperatures were too high at the time and that there were high chances of chaos breaking out.

“Kenya is bigger than any of us. Kenya is at a tipping point. It just needs a spark for it to erupt.” Added Mr. Odinga.

This comes after Attorney General Githu Muigai had warned the opposition of attempts to swear in Raila as President terming it as treason.

President Kenyatta speaking during the Governors’ induction in Kwale, warned governors against divisive politics, stressing that the constitution must be followed.

READ MORE: Uhuru warns governors over divisive politics as Kingi, Joho skip opening ceremony

Speaking during the same event in Kilifi, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and his Kilifi counterpart Amason Kingi said any attempt to arrest them will “fuel” the opposition’s fire.

“You cannot defend territorial integrity but forget the dignity of the human beings within that territory, we will not stop talking until our people get their rights,” said Governor Joho.

