One-month-old baby abandoned near pit latrine in Likoni

The good samaritans with the one-month old before they took the baby to Mji Wa Salama children's home. PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Mombasa, KENYA: Police in likoni are in hot pursuit of a woman who allegedly abandoned a one-month-old baby next to school latrines.

The baby boy was found by good samaritans on Wednesday at around 10 am after hearing him crying.

Mrima health center is just some metres from the school where the toddler was found.

They picked up the toddler and reported the matter to Inuka police station under OB number 17/13/12/2017.

“The baby boy looked so weak but he had no any injury, I suspect he had cried for long,” said Miss Atieno.

“We heard the toddler crying, and when I rushed there I found him wrapped in a black small cloth.I called the other neighbors and we rushed him to Mrima hospital, he was treated and the medics told us he was in good health only that he was hungry,” said Elizabeth Atieno.

She said she cleaned the child and fed him as he was so hungry.

“He took a lot of milk yet he is just a month old, I was shocked with the way he consumed milk,’’she added.

Al-Rasul primary school, headteacher Shariff Nyawa said they took the small boy to Inuka police station where they reported the matter.

“We have been referred to Mji wa salama children’s home in Shimanzi area, where we are taking this toddler there, but later we are going to ask for permission through courts so that we take this kid we look after him with our children,” said Shariff.

