Obese Lamu residents to get free physical fitness classes

Lamu residents to get free physical fitness classes courtesy of the Lamu Fitness Initiative group. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: Residents of Lamu town will now get the chance to attend free physical fitness classes courtesy of the Lamu Fitness Initiative group.

The group chair Athman Mahazi said many Lamu residents have poor feeding habits that have resulted in many of them being obese.

Speaking in Lamu town on Wednesday, Mahazi said many obese people in the county are lazy and do not want to do exercises to burn the extra fat to stay healthy and fit.

However, Mahazi said many others are obese but do not know how to shed the extra calories and keep healthy weights.

The free fitness classes are open for all interested men, women and children who are uncomfortable with their current weight and wish to lose the extra pounds.

He said the fitness classes are basically to promote good health and encourage healthy lifestyles through healthy eating and exercises.

The group was officially formed in 2015 and has over 100 members whose ages range from 18 to 40 all of who are obese or overweight but struggling to shed the weight to more healthier levels.

“Everyone needs to stay fit and healthy especially if you are eating just about anything and gaining weight rapidly.Obesity is hard to beat and requires consistent exercises.Its all about the will to realize your health is on a downward spiral and decide to do something to save your own life.We all know obesity results in many other dangerous illnesses.We encourage people to take charge of their health,” said Mahazi.

The exercises take place at the Lamu KPA Jetty from 5.am daily and will be conducted by fitness experts courtesy of the initiative.

“We discovered more people out there need and desire to keep fit and that’s why we are offering free fitness classed to all interested persons.We shall do this daily on the prescribed schedules.There’s nothing pleasant in a loose belly and hanging stomachs.It only makes you sick.

