Only 70, not 300 cows were killed in Laikipia shootout , says Eric Kiraithe

Government spokesperson Eric Kiraithe at a past media briefing .PHOTO/ FILE

Mombasa, KENYA: Government spokesman Eric Kiraithe has said only 70 and not 300 cows were killed in Laikipia shootout adding that the government is conducting in-depth investigations regarding the matter.

Speaking during a press briefing in Mombasa, Mr. Kiraithe said the gov’t will carry out a probe to establish if bullets used in the shooting of cows Laikipia were fired by the police.

This is after members of the Maa community on Tuesday demanded the arrest and arraignment in court of police officers who allegedly killed more than 300 cows in Laikipia County.

Mr.Kiraithe also said that government is making all efforts to ensure good relationship between Kenya and its neighbors.

“We would have wished that the issue of our herders getting into Tanzania unlawfully could have been handled in a better way, but it does not affect our relationship with East Africa brothers,” said Kiraithe.

He further called upon those visiting other countries to ensure they use the legal methods, adding that visiting other counties illegally is exposing oneself to other laws.

This comes as Kenya is currently facing conflicts with neighboring countries Tanzania and Uganda.

Tanzania auctioned cows belonging to farmers from Loikitokitok, in Kajiado South. Loikitokitok DC, after herders had crossed over to Tanzania, with their livestock in search of pasture following prolonged drought on the Kenyan side.

In a press statement issued from State House,  President Magufuli said that Tanzania followed the law by arresting and auctioning the cows belonging to Kenyans adding that Tanzania is not grazing land for Kenyans.

In Uganda, 17 Kenyan fishermen are being detained by Ugandan police officers after being arrested fishing near the Remba Island of Lake Victoria on Monday evening.

Inspector General of police Joseph Boinnet disputed claims by NASA Mps that Ugandan police are harassing Kenyan fishermen.

Meanwhile, the government spokesman  criticised the NASA boycott, saying their political campaign is likely to destroy the country .

He added that the government is working according to the Constitution passed seven years ago with an aim of achieving vision 2030.

“We are asking citizens to focus more on areas of food production,developing enterprises, ignore any political talk not within constitution and any activity geared at interrupting country entrepreneurship,” said Kiraithe.

