American envoy to Kenya calls for peace, condemns police brutality

US Ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: United States (US) ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec, has urged all leaders and politicians to avoid violence and control their supporters to desist from any violent occurrences.

In a statement issued on Monday, the US Ambassador expressed his concern about the outbreak of violence in Kenya following October 26 election.

“Leaders and politicians should clearly and publicly reject violence and work to keep the peace and make every effort to ensure their supporters do so as well.” The statement read in part.

Godec further, condemned reports of the use of power by police in administering their duty in some areas of the country and asked all allegations be investigated by the body concerned and offenders be held accountable.

“We are deeply concerned about reports of excessive use of force by the police; we urge that all such allegations be fully investigated and any officers who have acted outside the law be held to account. Protestors who are exercising their constitutional rights have an obligation to do so peacefully.”

The statement also read that, all Kenyans to remain calm and come together and rejects political hatred and division.

