Lamu leaders mourn the late Public Works PS El Maawy


Lamu, KENYA: Lamu leaders have condoled with the family of the late Public Works PS Mariam El Maawy who passed on Wednesday at a South African hospital while receiving treatment for injuries sustained during an Al-Shabaab attack at Milihoi area on the Lamu-Mpeketoni road.

On July 13 a Toyota Prado vehicle carrying the PS, his nephew and her four official bodyguards was waylaid and taken hostage by Al-Shabaab militants.

All the other occupants including the PS nephew Arif Kassim 21, a trainee pilot who was accompanying the PS to Witu were killed by the militants.

Only the PS survived after she was rescued by KDF soldiers from the hands of the terrorists who had taken her hostage.

She had sustained gunshot injuries to the chest and burns on the legs and was taken to the Mpeketoni hospital for emergency treatment, then to the Manda-Magogoni Naval Base after which she was airlifted to Nairobi, then to South Africa from where she succumbed to the injuries.

Lamu Governor Fahim Twaha has termed the late PS as a diligent, dedicated, country woman who had a large heart for her people and nation.

Twaha said the late PS was a role model to girls in Lamu and was dedicated in her duties of serving the government.

“El Maawy was very patriotic and dedicated to whatever she set her mind on doing.She has been a great role model to the girls here.Many looked up to her in a lot of ways.She was a polite and humble person who feared God.May Allah rest her in eternal peace,”said Twaha.

Twaha called on the national government to put in more efforts in restoring security in the county adding that no more lives should be lost at the hands of the Alshabaab.

“It’s high time that the government tightens security in this county and do a lot more than they are doing.I appreciate the good work they are doing in training, equipping and deploying more KPR officers in this region. As county government, we will continue supporting the national government in ensuring the war on Al-Shabaab is won and Lamu becomes peaceful again,”said Twaha.

Former Lamu women rep Shakilla Abdalla eulogized El Maawy as an outstanding individual who was committed to her county Lamu and her selfless service to Kenya as a PS.

“Again Lamu has lost a servant and a daughter who was dedicated to serve all despite and irrespective of political affiliations.May Allah comfort her family and may her soul rest in peace,” said Shakilla.

Mourners who assembled at her Lamu home in Mkomani said her death was a blow and left a void that would forever never be sealed.

El Maawy’s nephew Hyder Mohamed who spoke on behalf of the family said her death was unespected and came as a shock to the family who have been praying for her recovery.

“We had hoped that she would get better and come back to us but Allah had different plans for her.We are sad and shocked because we know there will never ever be any one else like Mariam.Let Allah rest her soul,” said Hyder.

READ ALSO: Public works PS attacked by Al-shabaab dies in South Africa

