Jubilee politicians in Kilifi say they were rigged out

A section of Jubilee politicians who failed to make it the parliament hand over a bus at Mwarkaya secondary school donated by President Uhuru Kenyatta an his deputy William Ruto PHOTO/DAVID NGUMBAO

Kilifi,KENYA:Jubilee politicians in  Kilifi  have urged the residents to strut themselves for a possible by-election saying they have concrete evidence to support their petitions .

Speaking at Mwarakaya primary school on Thursday in an event to present a bus to Mwarakaya Secondary school in Chonyi, the leaders led by former Kilifi North Mp Gideon Mung’aro said they are certain the past general elections were interfered with.

The bus was donated by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto following a pledge during their campaigns.

Mung’aro was accompanied by Mustapha Iddi, Amina Mnyazi, Esther Kache, Peter Shehe and Kenneth Kamto.

They expressed confidence that they were voted in but their win was mugged at an artificial place that had been set to execute their loss.

Idd who lost to Ken Chonga of ODM told Baraka Fm that he could not believe how he lost with all CDF projects initiated in Chonyi.

“None of all the public utility failing under my tenure as an MP was not touched and everywhere you go in both Chasimba and Mwarakaya, CDF projects are visible.

Mung’aro said politics of passion, love and affection for opposition is slowly killing the county in terms of development.

He said President Kenyatta had specifically set his eyes on empowering the people of Kilifi in almost every sector but the reward for his efforts was being windswept by the never ending useless love for Raila Odinga and opposition.

“We can all what the government has done for the people of Kilifi for the past five years such as roads, which are being tarmacked in every sub county,” Mung’aro said.

“For example we have the Mavueni-Kaloleni road which is now complete. Bamba-Mariakani road which is almost complete and then we have the 100 kilometer Malindi-Sala gate road.

He also mentioned the Ronald Ngala Utalii College in Vipingo which is nearing completion.

He urged the people of Mwarakaya and Chonyi in general to vote for President Uhuru Kenyatta in the October re-election.

Also former Ganze Mp Peter Shehe said the people of Kilifi would not wish to see their decision to elect Jubilee being muzzled by a faction of few politicians from Mombasa controlling Kilifi politics.

“We know how they acted but let us wait for the court verdict because you cannot play with the minds of the people by stealing their wish,” Shehe said.

