Kenya is stable, President Kenyatta assures business leaders

President Uhuru Kenyatta during the State of The Nation Address in parliament on 15th March 2017. PHOTO/FILE

NAIROBI, 11 Sept 2017 (PSCU) – President Uhuru Kenyatta has assured business leaders that Kenya is stable and no one will be allowed to disrupt peace.

The President said the Executive and the Judiciary are functional while the Legislature opens tomorrow and the law making process will continue.

“Let business continue. No politician will be allowed to interfere with peace and stability,’’ President Kenyatta said today during a meeting business leaders at State House, Nairobi.

“As far as peace and stability in the country are concerned, we are in full control,” the President added.

He told them to ignore political noise, continue with the growth expansion plans and forge ahead, creating jobs for the youth.

Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) CEO Carole Kariuki commended President Kenyatta for his commitment to peace and ensuring a conducive environment for business, even during the electioneering period.

To bolster the business environment and instill confidence, Ms Kariuki said the private sector initiated the Mkenya Daima campaign that drove home the peace message and encouraged optimism.

“We believe that the Mkenya Daima campaign made a significant difference and has become a successful case study on how business can play a role in ensuring political stability,” Ms Kariuki said.

The KEPSA Chief Executive Officer said although global economies experience slowdown during elections, it is only when the electioneering period is prolonged that businesses suffer.

She cited the low lending, foreign exchange, reduced employment, lower international trade and reduced activities at the Mombasa port as some of the negative effects of the electioneering period.

“The private sector is looking forward to the end of the election cycle. We want to get back to business quickly,” the KEPSA Chief Executive Officer said.

Other speakers at the meeting included business icons Manu Chandaria and Chris Kirubi, and KEPSA Chairman Nicholas Nesbitt.

