Sigoti girls school closed down over fire

A burnt dormitory in one of the schools in 2016 year ,Another dormitory was razed down on Sunday at Hola boys.PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Sigoti girls high school in Nyakach area of  Kisumu county has been closed down indefinitely following a fire that ravaged two of their dormitories.

The cause of the fire remains largely unknown and the school administration has ruled out the possibility of an electric fault and linked the fire to investigation from outsiders.

The fire comes a few  hours after 7 students were  confirmed dead after a fire razed down a dormitory at the Moi girls high school in Kibera area of Nairobi.

According to the education cabinet secretary Dr Fred Matiang’I the fire broke out at 2.00am.

“ 10 students have been injured, 2 of them in critical condition” Matiangi told reporters.

The cause of the fire has not yet been established but Matiang’I said investigations into the matter had began.

Kibra MP Kenneth Okoth called for investigations into the cause of the fire and urged people to end speculation into the matter.

Investigations into the cause of the two fires has been launched.


