NASA agents allegedly locked out in Lamu

Voters queue at Lamu fort polling station Earlier /NATASHA NEMA

 Lamu,KENYA:NASA coalition agents in Lamu are crying foul after they claimed that IEBC officials in Lamu have locked them out of polling stations.

According to NASA agents who spoke to Baraka FM, IEBC officials locked them out but allowed Jubilee agents into the polling stations.

“We have been told NASA is a coalition not a party  and only party agents are allowed and we are wondering why Jubilee party agents were allowed and it is a party too.” Mohamed Ahmed a NASA party agent told Baraka FM.

However the IEBC Lamu county election manager Adan Mohamed has refuted those claims saying those who were not allowed into polling stations were those without proper credentials.

“We are allowing all the agents as long as they have three items,  a letter from the party, the oath of secrecy and a identification document” Adan Mohamed.

Adan has however  said that those who had been locked out hd photocopies of the oath of secrecy whereas only the originals were being accepted.

This comes a day after suspected Alshabaab militants bombed an electric pylon in the same county cutting electricity supply in parts of the county for several hours.

