Somali community backs Joho’s re-election bid

Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho,Joho has called on the president to reconsider the decision to implement the levy on fuel prices PHOTO FILE

Mombasa,KENYA:A section of the  Somali community  in Mombasa on Thursday expressed their decision to back Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho’s re-election bid.

The group of more than 100 said their decision was arrived at following  the governors development track record over the past  four years that has given the Mombasa at large a decent profile.

” We are Kenyan citizens and time has come for us to join hands together as  the Somali community to support our own son Joho, and we want to promise to stand by him to ensure he wins in the elections come August 8th ,and we must also elect RailaOdinga as our president.”  Said  Hali Balala the group spokesperson.

With regard to the forth coming elections, the Somali community has made a plea to the electoral body IEBC to conduct a transparent and credible exercise so as to promote peace and shun upheavals after August polls.

The occasion saw the attendance of the Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho who urged politicians to desist from inciting young people  to cause violence during the electioneering period.

Joho further urged the community to make a prudential decision that will steer development o in the county.

“Making wrong decision will greatly affect the future of this nation, we must be keen on our decision.” Joho said.

This comes just a few weeks after another section of the community expressed their support to Mombasa senator Hassan Omar Sarai’s  gubernatorial bid.


