Tanzanian artiste blames Avril over sabotaging their collabo

Songstress Avril POTO COURTESY

Controversial Legendary Tanzanian singer AT has said that Kenyan singer Avril has no Talent.

In an interview with clouds FM AT said that he was disappointed after working on a collabo with the “Uko wapi” singer  as he realized that Avril did not have any talent at all.

Nimeshaenda Ogopa DJ Kufanya collabo na Avril  sio msani , sio msanii kabisa sio msanii unategemea venye  vile ameimba ni vile utampata.” ( I have collaborated with Avril at Ogopa Djs and all I can say is that Avril is not talented and  she is disappointing)AT said.

“She is very fake and I was very disappointed.”AT added.


Tanzanian singer AT PHOTO COURTESY

AT who is not new to controversial remarks claimed that  he was forced to collaborate with another  Tanzanian singer on the song after he felt that Avril did not give it the touch it deserved.

“Bonge la wimbo lakini imebidi nimemtoa nimemuweka Alice wa THT.” (The song is dope but I was forced to replace her with Alice from THT) AT added.

The singer also said that the project which they worked on together in 2010 is yet to be released and he was waiting for the right time to release it.

Baraka FM contacted Denis Njenga from Kaka Management who manages Avril and he denied AT.

“Honestly I have never heard of him so i have no idea if that ever happened,” Njenga told Baraka FM.


