Marwa accuses Jomvu MP Badi Twalib of attempting to sabotage SGR

Coast region coordinator Nelson Marwa(L) and Mombasa County commissioner Evans Achoki PHOTO FILE

Mombasa,KENYA:Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa has accused Jomvu Mp Badi Twalib of funding goons with an intention of disrupting services at the SGR station in Miritini.

Marwa who was speaking at a press briefing on Monday in Mombasa, said Badi had been meeting with a group of goons at around the Kenya pipeline centre in Miritini to strategize on how to cause chaos at the Miritini SGR station.

“We have received reports that Badi has been meeting young men in Miritini  who are planning to cause chaos at the SGR station in Miritini,” Marwa said.

“We would like to warn him that the long arm of the law will catch up with him.” Marwa added

Marwa also said that they were doing everything to ensure the campaign and electioneering period was smooth saying that they were hunting 2 individuals going by the moniker names “Rambo” and “Captain” who are said to be coordinating the distribution of hate leaflets in the county.

Efforts to by Baraka FM to reach  Jomvu mp Badi Twalib to get his side of the story  were futile as our phone calls went unanswered by the time of going to press.

