Kingi hints at vying for presidency come 2022

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi. PHOTO: file

Kilifi, KENYA: Incumbent Kilifi governor Amason Kingi has shown his interest in vying for presidency come 2022 general elections.

Kingi, who as per the law is not allowed to vie for the gubernatorial seat for the third time in a row should he be re-elected in the August 8 polls, on Thursday said that he is eyeing the topmost seat in the republic of Kenya.

Addressing the public during a rally at the works grounds,in Ganze, the former Minister for East African Community, said he believes in his deeds towards the general public and community as a whole.

He said it’s time leadership must be diversified to the entire Kenyan community and not one or two central places.

“I have been asking myself many questions in regards to the topmost seat of presidency in this republic, but I have not been getting any concrete answers,” said Kingi.

“What makes the Mijikenda or coast people not to rule this country yet the founding fathers of this Kenya we are living in include our own child Ronald Ngala? I don’t see the reason why we cannot go for it. This is the time that we have to take the challenge by our all, and come 2022 lets embrace this change together as the seat will be open,” Kingi added.

Kingi added that for the country to prosper, change of leadership is vital and should be embraced should democracy be the shield of the country.

He called upon Kenyans to vote in NASA as the beginning of salvation of the country.

“We have seen the past leadership and I think we have nothing much to explain to you (Kenyans) on the vices and bad extent it has taken us to,” Kingi added.

“When the jubilee government came in to power, Kenya had an international debt of utmost sh. 1 trillion but in their tenure the debt has reached in excess of 3 trillion. Where are they taking us for sure?” He asked.

