Duale accuses Raila of supporting land grabbing in Lamu

Leader of Majority Aden Duale addressing Lamu residents when he accompanied president Uhuru Kenyatta on his Lamu tour at Mkunguni Square. NATASHA NEEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: Leader of Majority Aden Duale has accused NASA principals for being part of a syndicate of land grabbers of over 500,000 acres of land in Lamu County.

Speaking when he accompanied president Uhuru Kenyatta on his Lamu tour at Mkunguni Square on Wednesday,Duale said the Jubilee government had put in a lot of efforts to ensure grabbed lands were returned to the locals.

In 2015, the national government revoked over 500,000 acres of land belonging to 22 ranches in Lamu which were said to have been irregularly acquired.

Duale said much of the grabbed lands happened when NASA principal Raila Odinga was in office as Prime Minister while James Orengo was the lands Minister.

He said Raila and his allies allowed and watched as many abhorrent atrocities were committed in the country, including land injustices that were perpetrated against the people of Lamu and that as such they had nothing new to offer Kenyans.

Land is still the cause of many conflicts in Lamu county and the fact that most of the lands were classified as public, has made it hard for locals to acquire title deeds to be able to protect their lands from grabbers who are on the increase.

The majority leader said there was massive land grabbing in Lamu during the time James Orengo was Lands minister and questioned if such people should be trusted once again.

“The so called NASA people have no dreams or plans for Lamu.Raila was prime minister and Orengo was Lands minister,but that’s exactly around the same time massive land grabbing took place in Lamu.They worked together to ensure they weren’t held accountable.Tell me what such a group can do if they are allowed to run the country?” Asked Duale.

He said the Jubilee government would ensure all land injustices are looked into and resolved if voted back into office.

Mining CS Dan Kazungu accused NASA of openly marginalizing and discriminating the coastal people along religious and tribal lines, since there wasn’t a single coastal representative among the top principals.

“Check out the NASA principals,no single person from the coast.They have just been left to escort the top principals.Why vote where you are not even recognized,”said Kazungu.

Water CS Eugene Wamalwa said he was confident that 70% of Kenyans support the Jubilee party and said the opposition had nothing new to offer Kenyans.

