Linda Shuma unveiled as Omar’s running mate for Mombasa Governor race

Wiper candidate for Mombasa Governor seat Hassan Omar (right) and running mate Linda Mariwa Shuma. PHOTO: BRIAN OSWETA.

Mombasa, KENYA: Girl child empowerment champion Linda Mariwa Shuma has been unveiled as Senator Hassan Omar’s running mate as he seeks to unseat incumbent Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho.

Linda is a co-founder of a Community based Organization, Women and Girls Empowerment in Mombasa that was founded in 2014, which focuses in Education and mentoring of girls.

Speaking on Monday during the ceremony that saw the unveiling of his running mate in Mombasa, senator Omar said that women play a big role in the community and they need to be recognized also in political arena.

Hassan said that if elected as the governor, 50 percent of his county government will be given to women as a way of empowering them and also to ensure that the two-third gender rule is achieved.

“Our intention is not just to choose women, but we will choose women of integrity, women of substance who can deliver in the positions and mandate that they are elected on. ” Said Omar.

He further challenged men in leadership and in community to be in forefront to empower and give opportunity to women to lead politically.

On her acceptance speech, Ms. Shuma who also has a back ground in Hospitality management, said that her vision is to see that all citizens in Mombasa access medical and health care.

“If we can ensure health life and promote wealthy for all at all ages, we shall definitely have attained United Nations Sustainable development goal number three of good health and wellbeing”. She said.

Aside from being an entrepreneur who runs a catering management business dealing with corporate and social events, she is the president of Lions Club Mombasa Bahari branch.

She has also been involved in the civil transformation processes while at the Constitution of Kenya Review Committee (CKRC).

The meeting brought together all Wiper aspirants in Mombasa County. Omar urged all supporters to adhere to code of ethics of the party and be peace ambassador during this electioneering period.

